Our Reports

How Western Business and Policy Gaps Fuel Russia’s War Machine and What Must Change

How Western Business and Policy Gaps Fuel Russia’s War Machine and What Must Change

This report explains how — despite extensive sanctions and diplomatic efforts — Russia has adapted, finding ways to bypass restrictions and sustain its military operations, and what can be done about it.

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Corporate Enablers of Russia’s War in Ukraine: A Closer Look at Multinational Taxes and Revenue in Russia in 2023

Corporate Enablers of Russia’s War in Ukraine: A Closer Look at Multinational Taxes and Revenue in Russia in 2023

This research, published by the B4Ukraine Coalition in collaboration with the Kyiv School of Economics and Squeezing Putin, reveals how foreign businesses, including many household names, continue to channel billions in taxes to the Russian state nearly three years into its war on Ukraine.

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Raiffeisen Bank International Still Providing Lifelines to Russian War Economy

Raiffeisen Bank International Still Providing Lifelines to Russian War Economy

This report, released by BankTrack and the B4Ukraine Coalition, shows that Raiffeisen Bank International is still failing to meaningfully address the human rights implications of its operations in Russia. The report draws together nearly three years of data and investigations into the Austrian lender.

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How Germany Can Help Defund and Disarm Russia's War on Ukraine

How Germany Can Help Defund and Disarm Russia's War on Ukraine

The B4Ukraine Coalition is calling on the German government to prioritise the three key areas to defund Russia’s war of aggression: increase pressure on Russian fossil fuel revenues, encourage responsible corporate exits from Russia, and improve export controls and enforcement to disarm Russia’s military-industrial complex.

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The West Holds the Key to Defund Russia's War

The West Holds the Key to Defund Russia's War

This report builds on B4Ukraine’s research and investigations on the role of major sanctions loopholes in Russia’s oil & gas and military tech sectors. It also sheds light on the non-sanctioned business in Russia, proposing a set of policy recommendations for all sectors.

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Risk Management After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Recommendations & Tools for Businesses

Risk Management After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Recommendations & Tools for Businesses

A coalition of leading experts and civil society organizations — including Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), NAKO, and Heartland Initiative — has released guidance on concrete steps to be taken by businesses to cut Russian military end-users out of their supply chains.

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The Business of Leaving: How Multinationals Can Responsibly Exit Russia

The Business of Leaving: How Multinationals Can Responsibly Exit Russia

This study by B4Ukraine members takes a closer look at whether companies are genuinely ‘stuck’ in Russia and how they can responsibly exit the market.

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From compliance to conscience: Foreign companies in Russia fail to meet human rights obligations

From compliance to conscience: Foreign companies in Russia fail to meet human rights obligations

This report summarizes B4Ukraine’s engagement with 125 multinationals regarding their due diligence practices in Russia and shows that only 40% of the contacted companies provided responses, while 60% are not taking responsibility under the UNGPs, which obligate them to engage in meaningful dialogue with relevant stakeholders seriously.

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The Lucrative Business of Staying: Corporate Foreign Enablers of the Kremlin’s War

The Lucrative Business of Staying: Corporate Foreign Enablers of the Kremlin’s War

Sixteen months after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, western household names are still contributing billions of tax dollars to the Kremlin and further enabling Russia’s war of aggression, according to this report from B4UKraine and the Kyiv School of Economics.

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