Parallel imports: BHRRC asked 72 companies how they're working to prevent re-export of their products to Russia
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Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC) invited 72 companies from the Russian “parallel imports” list to respond to several questions on how they’re working to prevent re-export of their products to Russia.

BHRRC heard back from 37 companies, 51% of those approached. Twenty-nine companies provided responses. Seven companies committed to respond later. One company declined to respond.

On 6 May 2022, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade set the list of products and product categories for which “parallel imports” into Russia are allowed. The list, adopted in implementation of Russian Government Resolution No. 506 of 29 March 2022, allows the importation into Russia of products originally sold into other markets.

The parallel imports scheme is aimed at helping Russia bypass supply restrictions put in place by Western countries and companies in response to the invasion of Ukraine. The parallel imports list includes critical imports like warships, spare parts needed for railways and auto components as well as consumer goods like electronics and household appliances, clothing, footwear, and cosmetics. According to multiple reports, Russia has been importing goods without the consent of their Western manufacturers for months.

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