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Russia leavers show faster revenue growth compared to remainers
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Another argument for why foreign companies should not remain in the toxic Russian market

Happy Thanksgiving to all American friends of Ukraine!
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Happy Thanksgiving to all American friends of Ukraine!

Finland joins NATO while 70+ Finnish companies still fund Russian anti-NATO regime
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Over 70 Finnish companies are still indirectly subsidizing Moscow's war effort by paying taxes in Russia

631 American Companies Still Pay Taxes in Russia
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Only 28 American companies have fully pulled out of Russia

Mondelez CEO Van de Put explains why the snacking giant still does business in Russia: “until we have to really go it’s okay”
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“Until we have to really go it's okay,” says Van de Put on the possibility of Mondelez pullout of Russia

Canada leads G7 in leaving Russia after the invasion of Ukraine
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Only 24% of Canadian companies defy demands for exit from Russia

Russia’s “Partial Mobilization” Order: A New Red Line in Complicity & Material Risk for Companies Operating in Russia. Issue Brief
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Russia’s “Partial Mobilization” Order: A New Red Line in Complicity & Material Risk for Companies Operating in Russia. Issue Brief

In a long range of countries with businesses still eager to work with Russia, the UK is a bright and rare example of commitment to support Ukraine
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In a long range of countries with businesses still eager to work with Russia, the UK is a bright and rare example of commitment to support Ukraine

How businesses from democracies stay in Russia despite promising to leave. Gap case
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How businesses from democracies stay in Russia despite promising to leave. Gap case

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